Isvara Pranidhana – the last of the Niyamas – translates to “surrender to a higher power” or “devotion to the divine” (‘isvara’ = supreme being, brahman, ultimate reality or true Self, and ‘pranidhana’ = surrendering). It entails aligning with the ultimate reality, fostering a deep connection with something greater than ourselves. It encourages us to cultivate humility & trust, and surrender to the flow of life, recognizing a guiding force beyond our individual selves that supports us on the path towards Self-realization and enlightenment.

Through devotion to Ishvara (the Supreme Being), samadhi is attained.


This Yoga Sutra suggests that by surrendering to a higher power or divine source, one can achieve the state of samadhi, which is the ultimate goal of Yoga practice.

While the concept of ‘God’ may evoke discomfort for some, Isvara Pranidhana transcends religious connotations. It acknowledges the existence of a collective consciousness or divine essence, urging us to surrender our ego and desires to this higher power. Surrendering to a higher power isn’t always easy, especially for those accustomed to controlling outcomes. It requires letting go of the need to manipulate circumstances and accepting life as it unfolds, free from attachment to the results of our actions. Surrendering our ego and our selfish desires is very closely linked to the principle of ‘letting go of the fruits of our actions’ and ‘non-attachment’, as emphasized in the Bhagavad Gita. By relinquishing our fears and worries about the future, we can fully engage in the present moment and experience life more deeply.

In daily life, Isvara Pranidhana involves remaining open to life’s uncertainties and embracing each moment without resistance. It challenges us to transcend our ego’s need for control and trust in our inner wisdom and intuition. Instead of fighting against life’s twists and turns, remain open to experiencing life as it unfolds. Remaining fixed and rigid in our conditioned patterns, habits and limitations only leads to a limited life. Surrendering is hugely challenging, because it means transcending the ego, and the ego will do everything it can to hold on to some control. Without the conditioning, worries, perceptions and judgements that we falsely hold so closely to us, the ego would not exist, and therefore it tries desperately to cling on when we work on quietening it. Surrendering to what is requires trust in our deepest Self, our intuition and the courage to express ourselves for who we are, as we are, with all of our perfect imperfections, which ultimately leads to freedom.

Practical ways to practice Isvara Pranidhana

  • Surrender to the present moment, whether it brings difficulty or joy. Release the need to control outcomes and circumstances in your life. Surrender to the natural flow of life and learn to trust in the universe’s unfolding. Each act of surrender brings you closer to inner freedom and spiritual fulfillment. “What you resist, persists.”
  • Trust in the divine intelligence or higher power guiding the universe. Have faith that you are being supported and guided, even in times of uncertainty or challenge. Trust that everything is unfolding as it should.
  • Cultivate a sense of devotion and reverence towards the divine, in whatever form you perceive it. Offer your actions and intentions as acts of devotion.
  • Release the ego’s need for recognition, validation, or control. Surrender the ego’s desires and attachments. Let go of the illusion of separateness and recognize the interconnectedness of all beings with the divine source.
  • Align your thoughts, words, and actions with divine principles such as love, compassion, kindness, and truth. Strive to embody these qualities in your daily life and interactions with others. Surrender to the guidance of the divine within.
  • Engage in selfless service as an expression of devotion. Offer your time, talents, and resources to serve others and contribute to the greater good. Trust that your efforts will make a positive impact in the world.
  • Cultivate gratitude for blessings and gifts in life. Offer thanks to the divine for all received, surrendering to the flow of abundance and trusting in continued blessings.
  • Seek guidance from spiritual teachers, mentors, or scriptures resonating with your path. Surrender to their wisdom and trust in their insights and teachings.
  • Set intentions aligning with your highest purpose and values. Surrender to the divine will and trust that your intentions will manifest in divine timing. Live each day with intention and purpose, surrendering to the flow of life with grace and humility.

And the day came when the risk to remain in a tight bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.