SAUCHA – Purity

Saucha – the first of the Niyamas – translates to “purity” or “cleanliness”. It’s about embracing purity in our body, mind, spirit, and surroundings. Externally, it’s about keeping our physical space pristine, while internally, it’s about nurturing purity in our thoughts, emotions, intentions, speech, and actions. This principle encourages us to infuse every aspect of our existence with the radiant glow of purity.

Through cleanliness and purity of body and mind comes a purification of the essence, a goodness and gladness of feeling, a sense of focus with intentness, the mastery and union of the senses, and a fitness, preparation and capability for self-realization.


This sutra emphasizes the importance of cultivating purity and cleanliness as a prerequisite for achieving mental clarity, emotional balance, concentration, and readiness for self-realization or spiritual awakening.

Our environment often mirrors our internal state. A cluttered environment can lead to a cluttered mind, while a clean and organized space promotes clarity and peace of mind. By surrounding ourselves with cleanliness and order, we create an environment conducive to mental well-being and clarity.

Healthy, organic food is considered the epitome of purity. Choosing foods free from preservatives, additives, and pesticides supports our body’s natural detoxification processes and enhances overall well-being. While it may not always be feasible to eat entirely organic or to consume entirely un-processed food, cultivating awareness of our dietary choices enables us to make healthier and more conscious decisions. Remember that ‘you are what you eat’, so the cleaner our food is, the cleaner we’re going to be inside and out.

Similarly, cultivating purity of thought involves directing our mental focus toward positivity and compassion. By refraining from negative judgments and embracing kindness, we contribute to our own well-being and that of others. Our thoughts possess immense power, shaping our perceptions and influencing our actions. Choosing to dwell on positive thoughts enhances our inner purity and radiates positivity into the world.

Practical ways to practice Saucha

  • Remember: ‘where attention goes, energy flows’. Harness the power of your mind to cultivate purity within and around you. Focus on nurturing pure thoughts and intentions, steering clear of negativity and judgment.
  • Incorporate regular mindfulness and meditation practices to clear the mind of negativity and mental clutter, fostering inner purity and clarity.
  • Keep your living and working spaces tidy and organized.
  • Eat nutritious food that nourishes your body and promotes overall health. Avoid consuming processed or unhealthy foods.
  • Foster healthy relationships and avoid toxic interactions. Release grudges and negative emotions through forgiveness and compassion.
  • Respect and care for the natural world. Reduce your ecological footprint by conserving resources and minimizing waste.

Cleanliness is not next to godliness. It is godliness.