TAPAS – Discipline

Tapas – the third of the Niyamas – translates to “discipline” or “austerity”. Derived from the Sanskrit verb ‘tap’, meaning ‘to burn’, Tapas evokes a sense of ‘fiery discipline’ or ‘passion’. It entails cultivating self-discipline, resilience, and courage to burn away ‘impurities’ physically, mentally, and emotionally, paving the way to your true greatness. Tapas isn’t about being solemn and serious; rather, it’s about harnessing that fiery energy to fuel your desire for personal growth and journey towards realizing your fullest potential.

Engaging our core strength is a potent way to tap into this fiery essence, stoking the inner fire. Your core, housing the Manipura Chakra, governs self-confidence, inner strength, willpower, and self-discipline. The fire element – to which both Tapas and the Manipura Chakra are linked – symbolizes transformation. Transformation occurs when we allow change to happen, face our challenges, and step outside of our comfort zone. Embracing challenges, despite the discomfort, leads us toward growth and inner strength.

It is crucial to act from a place of positivity and love rather than fear. Pushing ourselves should stem from genuine conviction rather than ego-driven impulses.

Practical ways to practice Tapas

  • First and foremost, prioritize increasing both the frequency and duration of your flow state experiences in daily life.
  • Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Confront them with courage and resilience, igniting your inner fire. Cultivate a mindset of unwavering perseverance and mental toughness in the face of challenges.
  • Set specific, audacious goals aligned with personal values and aspirations, serving as guides for focused action.
  • Create daily routines and habits that support your goals and promote self-discipline. Consistency is key to cultivating Tapas and maintaining momentum in your journey.
  • Embrace discomfort by stepping outside comfort zones, fostering continuous learning and development.
  • Seek balance and moderation across all aspects of life, promoting health, well-being, and sustainability.
  • Maintain commitment to your goals and values, navigating obstacles or setbacks with unwavering resolve. Stay focused on the long-term benefits of your efforts and trust in your ability to overcome challenges.
  • Surround yourself with supportive individuals who inspire and motivate progress. Seek guidance from mentors, coaches, or peers who can offer valuable insights and perspective on your journey.
  • Prioritize self-care practices that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Make time for activities that replenish your energy and restore your sense of well-being, ensuring you have the resilience to persevere through challenges.
  • Take time for self-reflection & introspection to assess your progress and identify areas for improvement. Leverage feedback for continual improvement.
  • Celebrate achievements as milestones of personal growth and dedication to the journey.

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.